1. Waar kun je de film 'L'Equilibrio' (2017) online kijken? - Streamwijzer
15 nov 2023 · Vind waar je de film 'L'Equilibrio' uit 2017 nu online kunt kijken: Netflix, Disney+ of een andere streamingdienst.
Vind waar je de film 'L'Equilibrio' uit 2017 nu online kunt kijken: Netflix, Disney+ of een andere streamingdienst.

2. L'Equilibrio (film, 2017) - FilmVandaag.nl
L'Equilibrio (2017). Alternatieve titel(s): Equilibrium, Zonden van de Maffia. L'Equilibrio. Koop op dvd of blu-ray. Gezien. Watchlist. Markeren. 0 2. drama.
Don Giuseppe, een welwillende priester, leidt een kleine parochie in Rome met een vluchtelingencentrum. Hij verzoekt om overplaatsing en keert…

3. L'Equilibrio (Film, 2017) - MovieMeter.nl
28 sep 2017 · L'Equilibrio (2017) · Genre: Drama · Speelduur: 90 minuten · Alternatieve titels: Equilibrium / Zonden van de Maffia · Oorsprong: Italië ...
Drama film.

4. Equilibrium streaming: where to watch movie online? - JustWatch
Tough, gripping drama about a committed, principled priest taking on the Mafia and risking his life in a poverty-stricken parish in Naples. About the movie ...
Is "Equilibrium" available to stream on Netflix, Prime Video, Disney Plus, or any other streaming service? Find out with JustWatch.

5. 'Equilibrium' (L'equilibrio'): Film Review | Venice 2017
9 sep 2017 · A well-intentioned priest returns home to the complex and compromised Campania region, around Naples, in Equilibrium (L'equilibrio), a sober and ...
Italian director Vincenzo Marra's fourth feature, 'Equilibrium,' which follows a priest who returns to his native Campania, premiered at the Venice Film Festival.

6. Nieuwe films op Netflix: Equilibrium, Little Fockers en War - VARAgids
5 nov 2022 · Nieuwe films op Netflix: Equilibrium, Little Fockers en War - VARAgids - BNNVARA.
We zetten een aantal recent op Netflix verschenen films op een rij. Met deze week: Robert De Niro als schoonvader, Christian Bale in de toekomst en Jet Li als bad guy..

7. L'Equilibrio (2017) - Filmweb
L'Equilibrio (2017) - informacje o filmie w bazie Filmweb.pl. Oceny, recenzje, obsada, dyskusje wiadomości, zwiastuny, ciekawostki oraz galeria.

8. Equilibrium streaming: where to watch movie online? - JustWatch
Find out how and where to watch "Equilibrium" online on Netflix, Prime Video, and Disney+ today – including 4K and free options.

9. L'equilibrio - Film (2017) : diffusions TV, streaming, replay | Télé 7 Jours
20 jan 2024 · Netflix · Star Academy · Culte · Netflix · Star ... L'equilibrio. Demain à 15h05 sur. Eurochannel. Réalisation. Vincenzo Marra. Production. Italie ...
Retrouvez les prochaines diffusions TV du film L'equilibrio, la disponibilité en replay / streaming grâce au programme Télé 7 Jours. Ancien missionnaire en Afrique, le père Giuseppe est en poste dans une petite parsoisse de Rome, où il aide notamment des réfugiés. Troublé par l
10. L'equilibrio - Film (2017) - MYmovies.it
5 sep 2017 · L'equilibrio - Un film di Vincenzo Marra. Vincenzo Marra affronta con responsabilità e schiettezza uno degli argomenti più spinosi ...
L'equilibrio - Un film di Vincenzo Marra. Drammatico, Italia, 2017. Vincenzo Marra affronta con responsabilità e schiettezza uno degli argomenti più spinosi nell'Italia cattolica.

11. Alle films uit Italië op Amazon Prime Video - FilmVandaag.nl
L'Equilibrio (2017) · drama • Vincenzo Marra · Kijk op Prime Video · Film. Il ... Netflix onthult de trailer van animatieserie 'Castlevania: Nocturne' seizoen 2 ...
Bekijk het complete overzicht van alle films die op Amazon Prime Video te zien zijn. Volledig met trailers, IMDb-scores, recensies en meer.

12. L'equilibrio - 2017 - film usciti 2000 - 2023 - film & docu - Filmitalia
di Vincenzo Marra ... premi e festival: ... Giuseppe, un sacerdote campano già missionario in Africa, opera in una piccola diocesi di Roma. Messo in crisi nella sua ...
Filmitalia: la banca dati ufficiale del cinema italiano contemporaneo

13. L' EQUILIBRIO - Commissione Nazionale Valutazione Film
Orig.: Italia (2017) - Sogg. e scenegg.: Vincenzo Marra - Fotogr.(Panoramica/a col.): Gianluca Laudadio - Mus.: non indicata - Montagg.
Orig.: Italia (2017) - Sogg. e scenegg.: Vincenzo Marra - Fotogr.(Panoramica/a col.): Gianluca Laudadio - Mus.: non indicata - Montagg.: Luca Benedetti, Arianna Zanini - Dur.: 90' - Produz.: Luigi Musini, Olivia Musini, Cesare Apolito, Renato Ragosta per CinemaUndici, Lama Film, RAI Cinema, Ela Film - 74^ MOSTRA INTERNAZIONALE DEL CINEMA DI VENEZIA 2017, GIORNATE DEGLI AUTORI 14^ EDIZIONE, PREMIO LANTERNA MAGICA (CGS) E PREMIO NUOVOIMAIE TALENT A MIMMO BORRELLI.
14. Studia filmowe - L'Equilibrio (2017) - Filmweb
Studia filmwe L'Equilibrio (2017) - informacje o filmie w bazie Filmweb.pl. Oceny, recenzje, obsada, dyskusje wiadomości, zwiastuny, ciekawostki oraz ...
Studia filmwe L'Equilibrio (2017) - informacje o filmie w bazie Filmweb.pl. Oceny, recenzje, obsada, dyskusje wiadomości, zwiastuny, ciekawostki oraz galeria.

15. Equilibrium (2017) | Film, Trailer, Kritik - Kino-Zeit
Equilibrium (2017) ... Giuseppe, ein Priester aus der Region Kampanien, arbeitet in einer Gemeinde in Rom. Nach einer Glaubenskrise bittet er den zuständigen ...
Giuseppe, ein Priester aus der Region Kampanien, arbeitet in einer Gemeinde in Rom. Nach einer Glaubenskrise bittet er den zuständigen Bischof um Versetzung in eine Gemeinde seiner Heimat. Dort soll er den Pfarrer Don Antonio ersetzen, einen charismatischen und wortgewandten Mann, der von allen geschätzt und geachtet wird. Bevor er geht, führt Don Antonio Giuseppe in die harte Realität des Stadtviertels ein. Als Giuseppe dann auf sich allein gestellt ist, versucht er der Gemeinde auf jede Art zu helfen, stößt aber zunehmend auf den Widerstand der organisierten Kriminalität, die den Ort beherrscht. Dennoch beschließt er, seinen Weg ohne Angst und mit Mut und Hartnäckigkeit weiterzugehen.
16. Recommending for the World - Netflix TechBlog
17 feb 2016 · For example, the dystopian Sci-Fi movie “Equilibrium” might be available on Netflix in the US but not in France. And “The Matrix” might be ...
17. Fare Cinema 2018 – Italian Film Festival
Equilibrium (L'Equilibrio) by Vincenzo Marra. Writer-director Vincenzo ... 2017 Cannes Film Festival. In only her second major film role, distinguished ...
On the occasion of “Fare Cinema – Italian Film Festival” the Italian Institute of Culture is proud the present Scotland’s annual showcase of the best in Italian cinema with an exciting, wide-ranging selection from the past twelve months. Italian Film Festival includes new work from several generations of filmmakers, including established auteurs such as Paolo […]

18. BIFF Review: Vincenzo Marra's "Equilibrium" - Haps Magazine
16 okt 2017 · One of the quieter, more realistic, movies you're likely to see at BIFF this year, 'Equilibrium' (Italian title: L'equilibrio) is the fourth ...
'Equilibrium' is not a film that will produce a lot of surprises in either its plot or its filmmaking, but don't let that discourage you from seeking it out if it seems of interest to you.

19. Equilibrium | Rotten Tomatoes
Date Apr 17, 2019. Full Review · Critic's profile. Critic's Name Nell Minow ... Kurt Wimmer's Equilibrium is a dreary sci-fi action movie set after the ...
In a futuristic world, a regime has eliminated war by suppressing emotions: books, art and music are strictly forbidden and feeling is a crime punishable by death. Clerick John Preston (Christian Bale) is a top-ranking government agent responsible for destroying those who resist these rules. When he misses a dose of Prozium, a mind-altering drug that hinders emotion, Preston, who has been trained to enforce strict laws of the new regime, suddenly becomes the one capable of overthrowing it.

20. L'equilibrio streaming - Coming Soon
2 aug 2017 · Home | Film | 2017 | L'equilibrio | Streaming · Trama e Cast · Video ... Netflix · Amazon Prime Video · Disney+ · NOW · Infinity+ · CHILI ...
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